About Us

About Us

Multiempaques del Norte

Company with 20 years of experience in the market, with coverage throughout the Mexican Republic, we offer packaging products, packaging and market the leading brands nationwide.


We proudly hold ISO 9001:2015 certification, so you can be confident in the quality management of each of our processes and services, and in our commitment to continuous improvement.
Capacidad instalada

Installed Capacity

We have the storage capacity that you require and we have a transport network to fill the order at your plant, on time and under the conditions that require it. Schedule your deliveries with us and we will be with you promptly.

Our Philosofy

We are a Mexican company with personnel committed to our internal and external clients. Our philosophy of commitment and selfless support has highlighted us as a company and as a supplier. We accept our mistakes and celebrate our successes, promoting the job and cultural growth of each employee and their family. We are responsible for our actions and decisions, and we always work as a team to satisfy the client